St Peter’s Church has adopted as their safeguarding policy the Diocese of Coventry Safeguarding Policy, “Promoting a Safer Church”
We are committed to:
- Promoting a safer environment and culture.
- Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church.
- Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation.
- Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons.
- Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.
- Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.
If you have any concerns that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Adviser or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay
Local contacts available if you have any concerns:
Vivien Gillman: Parish Safeguarding Officer
Incumbent : Vacancy
Parish Office: 07747 213501
Sarah Price: 07950 382934 Diocesan Safeguarding Officer
24hr Diocesan Safeguarding Team 02476 521345
Warwickshire Social Services 01926 414144
If there is immediate risk or danger please contact the Police on 999