Welcome to the Heart of England Parishes

We are a group of 6 village churches in south Warwickshire situated between Stratford upon Avon and Evesham and centred around Bidford on Avon. 

Each of our churches has services at different times and different styles of worship. You are welcome to come to any of them where we hope you will feel welcomed and at home.


Thanks to all who supported Bidford's village nativity! 
Read up on how it went and see some of the lovely scenes here.

A prayer as we seek a new Rector 
Father God, We thank you for your faithfulness to us in this Heart of England Benefice.
We pray that as we travel together into our shared future,
you will bring a person of your calling to lead us.
We pray for that person to be someone close to your heart who will help all of us
to grow closer to you and enable us to become together a brighter reflection
of your love in these communities where we live and worship.
We ask in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen

The Vacancy: Rector/Rural Pioneer, Heart of England Benefice
Click here for the Parish profile

Click here to download the advert

Click here to download the application form


Services for Sunday 2nd February are:

 8.40am Holy Communion at Salford Priors
10.30am Café Church at Bidford
10.30am Family Service at Salford Priors 
6.30pm Evensong at Wixford

Enquiry Form for all our churches

To enquire about anything to do with any of our 6 churches please use this form

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Our People

At present we are in an interregnum, our Rector having retired, and we are in the process of finding a new incumbent for the benefice.

Our Associate Minister, who has special responsibility for Salford Priors, is Rev Sheila Bridge who lives in the Vicarage in Salford Priors.

We have one Lay Reader, Allan Steven who lives in Stratford upon Avon.

We are very fortunate to have the support of five retired clergy living in the area who are able to help taking our regular services as well as some weddings and funerals.

There is a Ministry Team at St Matthew's in Salford Priors who support Sheila Bridge with the ministry there.


Rev Sheila Bridge is our Associate Minister with special responsibility for Salford Priors


Allan Steven is a Reader who lives in Stratford upon Avon.


Amy James is our Group Administrator and can be contacted at the Parish Office

Upcoming Events

10:00am - 11:00am -
10:30am - 11:30am -
10:30am - 11:30am -
10:30am - 11:30am -
5:00pm - 6:00pm -
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